Healed burn scars face
Healed burn scars face

In summers it becomes tough to enjoy our days to the fullest and not worry about the sun. Hence, ensure to consult with a doctor in case of infections and severe burns.” She recommended, “Patients with minor burns can reduce scarring by home treatments but critical burns require more intensive treatment. Since everybody reacts differently to burn scars, Rupali highlighted that it is important to give the necessary healing time to your skin. Take vitamins as prescribed to accelerate the healing process.” Keep yourself moisturised with an organic moisturizer to prevent itching. She advised, “Apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment to the affected area twice a day at least to promote healing. Given that it takes approximately a week to heal a first or second-degree burn, the skin expert suggested to protect the skin from sun damage as UV rays may make the scars prominent and noticeable. For pain relief, one can follow prescribed OTC medication.” Let the blisters heal on their own and cover them with a non-stick gauge to prevent infections. Applying a silicone or petroleum gel helps reduce the size, stiffness and redness of burn scars. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Rupali Sharma, Founder of Aegte Lifescience, shared, “To prevent scars, one can run cool tap water or use Aloe Vera gel as it is a natural antibiotic that can soothe and cool down the skin, preventing further infections.


Expert tips on how to treat and manage burn scars and sun burn (Pixabay) First and second-degree burns can be treated at home but with proper guidance. Unfortunately, like many other wounds, burn scars might be difficult to get rid of but with the correct regimen, medication, they can be healed with time.

Healed burn scars face